cadi cadi.
I had the most amazing experience at the Panteão Nacional (National Pantheon 🇵🇹) the other day 1. I actually never been inside the Pantheon even though it’s close to home. My friend took me to see Marina Herlop, where she performed her famous 🐌 abans abans 🐌 and 🐚 shaolin mantis 🐚.

Here’s a small recording. I didn’t want to be distracted while recording so I only recorded a little bit, just enough to remember it forever:

The Pantheon had a natural reverb, and it was a loooong one (10secs according to her instagram post). Her music was engulfed by that natural reverb instead of a digitally filtered one, and the songs naturally morphed with the sacredness of that place into a very soul-envolving sound that ressonated inside your body.

It was an amazing experience, and Marina had the most engaging presence. She played all her songs in one go. No pauses! A non-stop emotional rollercoaster.

Also I saw Elsbeth Tascioni there and my heart melted into an arrhythmia. 🐧

  1. 27th September 2023 ↩︎